This jasper arrowhead is 4 by 1 1/2 inches. It's a stone of the earth, and therefore a very "grounding" stone. All Jaspers have excellent protective energies. Think of the term "Solid as a Rock" and Jasper comes to mind. It is a stone that works slowly, providing constant, slow, deliberate energy, especially good in time of needed change without the chaos a total upheaval would cause. A good stone for working with shy or timid people who need change. Healing: It's a nurturing stone, a good stone for the healers to use on the behalf of others. A good stone for people in counseling or therapy, who want to overcome addictions or compulsive behavior, and gather up their strength for the battles ahead. (emotional) Justice: Jasper was once considered a Warriors Stone, so it knows of loyalty, inner strength, and standing up for what you believe in. A power stone for those who stand for justice and fair play, especially useful for those whose job it is to rectified unjust situations. (Lawyers, Advocates, Judges, Attorneys, Para-Legal, Sheriff, Policemen, Defenders, Soldiers) Protection: From other people, forces, and from yourself! It can keep you from getting carried away, or lead astray, and being diverted from your goals. Courage: Help to give you courage in preparation for conflict, either physical or emotional.